Libraries and Homelessness

Libraries and Homelessness

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Now that homelessness is an openly recognized social problem, many libraries have joined the conversation about how to help. But how should libraries approach the problem? Where should they start? Are there examples of successful programs?

We’re pleased to offer 2 fantastic free resources to help you start creating an action plan to assist patrons experiencing homelessness:

  1. In her podcast interview with Steve Thomas from Circulating Ideas, Julie Ann Winkelstein answers questions about her new Libraries Unlimited book, Libraries and Homelessness: An Action Guide, and offers anecdotes and ideas from libraries who are working on this issue.
  2. In her webinar with our partners at Niche Academy, Julie provides specific examples of the various ways in which libraries are addressing the physical, emotional, and practical needs of their unhoused community members.

Viewers of the webinar will come away with:

  • An understanding of the role of libraries in addressing homelessness
  • Information about the critical importance of partnerships
  • An action plan template to help libraries move forward as they respond to the life challenges of this sometimes invisible, frequently underserved population

Watch the video below (it will open in a new tab via Niche Academy):

Julie Ann Winkelstein’s Libraries Unlimited book, Libraries and Homelessness: An Action Guide (Libraries Unlimited 2021), helps librarians address issues surrounding homelessness in the lives of their community members.

Read more and look inside! Use the promo code NICHE to save 20% at checkout.

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