Avoiding Self-Censorship: How to Be a Brave Librarian

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When we talk about censorship, we often focus on defending against book challenges, but our own day-to-day actions can have just as significant an impact on limiting students’ intellectual freedom.

You pull a book off the shelf and stick it in your desk drawer, you don’t purchase “controversial” titles, you put restrictions on what books can be checked out, you use a black marker to line through “bad” words or pictures–if any of these sound familiar, it’s time for a self-censorship intervention. In this webinar, Mona Kerby, professor and School Librarianship program coordinator at McDaniel College, highlights detrimental and censoring behaviors that lie close to home and shares successful strategies to beat them. Librarian, know thyself: it’s time for an intervention.

Watch this webinar on-demand to:

  • Recognize self-censoring behaviors
  • Practice strategies to fight censorship without fighting
  • Learn what to say when faced with a challenge

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